l 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于消费者购买决策理论的城市家庭医生签约服务需求管理与供给策略优化研究(2023-2026)
l 卫生部-联合国儿基会资助项目:青少年健康与发展项目终末调查研究(2020-2022)
l 湖北省卫健委资助项目:湖北省重大公共卫生项目绩效考核办法及细则研制(2021-2022)
l 湖北省卫健委-中盖项目:医卫融合慢性病健康管理绩效评价指标体系构建及激励对策研究(2020-2021)
l 湖北省卫健委资助项目:基于医共体的县域卫生改革方案研究(2019.1-2021)
l 湖北省卫健委-中盖项目:医共体内乡村医生稳定性及激励机制研究(2020-2021)
l 国家社会科学基金项目:基于制度嵌入的村卫生室基本药物制度实施模式与绩效评价(2012-2014)
l 湖北省卫计委资助项目:湖北省基本公共卫生项目支出绩效评价(2014-2016)。
l 卫生部-HOPE基金项目:城乡基层卫生服务机构糖尿病系统管理现状调查研究(2010-2011)
l 卫生部-嘉道理基金项目:贫困农村少数民族地区高血压及其合并症的疾病负担研究( 2009-2010)
l 卫生部-嘉道理基金项目:贫困农村地区健康促进项目绩效评估研究(2007-2008)
l Association between long-term exposure to PM2.5 and hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies, Environmental Research, 2022, 204: 112352.(通讯作者)
l Factors Associated With the Vaccination Behavior Among COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitant College Students in Wuhan, China: A Survey Based on Social Psychological Dimension. Front. Public Health,2022,10:865571. (通讯作者)
l An evaluation index system for regional mobile SARS-CoV-2 virus nucleic acid testing capacity in China: a modified Delphi consensus study. BMC Health Serv Res ,2022,22, 1080. (共同通讯)
l Discrepancy in perceived social support and related factors among Chinese college students with and without siblings, Journal of Affective DisordersVolume 276, 1 November 2020, 10.1016/j.jad.2020.07.027.(共同通讯)
l Are long working hours associated with weight‐related outcomes? A meta‐analysis of observational studies, Obesity Reviews. 2020;21:e1297710.(共同通讯)
l Estimating the costs of the national basic public health services in Zhuhai, China, through activity-based costing: a cross-sectional study, BMJ Open 2019 Jun 2810.1136.(通讯作者)
l Associations of multiple metals with bone mineral density: A population-based study in US adults, Chemosphere 282 (2021) 131150.(共同通讯)
l Job satisfaction and its modeling among township health center employees: a quantitative study in poor rural China. BMC Health Serv Res. 2010, 10(10):115.(第一作者)
l Role of the new rural cooperative medical system in alleviating catastrophic medical payments for hypertension, stroke and coronary heart disease in poor rural areas of China,BMC Public Health,2014, 14:907.(通讯作者)
l Evaluation of Responsiveness of Community Health Services in Urban China: A Quantitative Study in Wuhan City. PloS one. 2013,8(5):e62923.(通讯作者)
l A hybrid seasonal prediction model for tuberculosis incidence in China. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2013, 13:56.(共同通讯)
l Implementation and community involvement in DOTS strategy: a systematic review of studies in China. Int J Tuberc Lung D. 2012, 16(11):1433–1440(共同通讯)
l 农村基层医务人员获得感与离职意愿的关系研究——以工作满意度为中介, 中国卫生政策研究,2020-12-25.(通讯作者)
l 《社区卫生服务评价》获2016.12湖北省人民政府科技进步二等奖
l 《武汉市社区卫生服务发展模式》获2013年湖北省科技进步二等奖
l 《深圳市社区卫生服务绩效评价》获2007年深圳市科技创新奖
l 中华预防医学会社会医学分会(委员)2012-2024
l 中国卫生经济公共卫生经济委员会年会(委员)2019-2024
l 中国医师协会全科医学分会(委员)2018-2021
l 中国社会医学杂志(国家核心期刊)编委